Loading Local Images into the Slider

There are several different ways you can import images into a movie running in a Projector (or in Authoring). The first step for all the techniques is getting a list of files to import.

For example, if the images are in a folder called "Images" which is in the same folder as the movie, then a function like this will return a list of the JPGs in that folder:

on GetListOfImages (me, inDirectory)

  -- returns a list of files (full path) in specified directory

  fileList = [ ] 

  the itemDelimiter = "." 

  repeat with i = 1 to the maxInteger 

    n = getNthFileNameInFolder(inDirectory , i) 

    if n = EMPTY then exit repeat 

    if n.item[n.item.count] = "jpg" then 

      fileList.append(inDirectory & n) 

    end if 

  end repeat 

  return fileList


Once you have this list, you can loop through at 'import' the images. One technique for doing this is to set the fileName of a placeholder cast member. For example

member("PlaceHolder").filename = fileList[1]

Since our slider may use many images, and we only want to create a small thumbnail image for each, it is inefficient to load all the images into memory at once. For this reason, the following script will first load a 'place holder' graphic (which says "image loading") for each file into the slider. Then, one-by-one, it loads the real image into the slider (replacing the place holder as the real image is loaded).

Example source file available here

ImageLoader.local (Parent script)

-- loads images from a local directory (not for shockwave)

property myTempBitmap, mySlider, myIndx, myImagesToLoad

property myTarget

on new (me)


  myTempBitmap = member("ImageLoader.local.bitmap")

  if myTempBitmap.type <> #bitmap then 

    myTempBitmap = new(#bitmap)

    myTempBitmap.name = "ImageLoader.local.bitmap"

  end if

  return me


on Destroy (me)

  -- erase the bitmap

  if myTempBitmap.ilk = #member then erase myTempBitmap

  -- void our reference to the slider

  myTarget = VOID


on stopMovie (me)

  -- will get this message if the timeout is active



on loadImagesTo (me, theTargetObject, FolderOfImages)

  -- get list of files to load

  imageFiles = me._GetFileNames(FolderOfImages)

  myTarget = theTargetObject

  -- now load a temporary image into the slider for each real image

  myImagesToLoad = [:]

  repeat with aFilePath in imageFiles

    myImagesToLoad.addProp(aFilePath, member("SliderLoadingImage").image)

  end repeat



  -- now create a thread to actually load the real images

  myIndx = 0

  thread = timeout("ImageLoaderThread").new(100, #LoadNextImage, me)



on LoadNextImage (me, aTimeout)

  -- called by the timeout

  if myIndx <  myImagesToLoad.count then 

    myIndx = myIndx + 1

    whichFile = myImagesToLoad.getPropAt(myIndx)

    myTempBitmap.filename = whichFile

    -- replace the 'loading' image with the real one

    myTarget.SetImageAt(myTempBitmap.image, whichFile, myIndx)



  end if


on _GetFileNames (me, inDirectory)

  -- returns a list of files (full path) in specified directory

  fileList = [ ] 

  the itemDelimiter = "." 

  repeat with i = 1 to the maxInteger 

    n = getNthFileNameInFolder(inDirectory , i) 

    if n = EMPTY then exit repeat 

    if n.item[n.item.count] = "jpg" then 

      fileList.append(inDirectory & n) 

    end if 

  end repeat 

  return fileList


To demonstrate how this script works with the Slider, here is a behaviour that creates the slider and an instance of this Loader script:

property ancestor

property myMidH, myShift, myAlpha, myOffset

property myTrackingFlag, myStartH

property mySlideLeftRect, mySlideRightRect

on beginSprite me


  thisSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)

  thisRect = thisSprite.rect

  thisMember = thisSprite.member

  thisCanvas = thisMember.image

  thisCanvas.fill(thisCanvas.rect, rgb("#000000"))



  myOffset = point(thisRect.left, thisRect.top)

  myMidH = thisSprite.left + (thisSprite.width/2)


  -- create the 'hot spots' for sliding

  mySlideLeftRect = rect(thisSprite.left, thisSprite.top, thisSprite.left 

+ (thisSprite.width/3), thisSprite.bottom)

  mySlideRightRect = rect(thisSprite.right-(thisSprite.width/3), 

thisSprite.top, thisSprite.right, thisSprite.bottom)


  -- create the slider object

  ancestor = script("HorizontalImageSlider.Class").new()

  me.Initialise(thisCanvas, thisCanvas.rect)



  -- set the path to the folder containing theimages

  sep = the last char of the moviePath

  folderContainingImages = the moviePath & "Images" & sep


  -- create an Object to load up the images

  imageLoaderDaemon = script("ImageLoader.local").new()





on endSprite (me)

  -- clean up the canvas 

  thisSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)

  thisMember = thisSprite.member

  thisCanvas = thisMember.image

  thisCanvas.fill(thisCanvas.rect, rgb("#000000"))


on enterframe (me)

  if myTrackingFlag then

    -- the mouse was clicked on this sprite

    if not (the mouseDown) then 

      -- stop tracking

      myTrackingFlag = 0


      -- 'drag' the slider to the current mouse location

      mH = the mouseH

      amt = myStartH - mH

      myStartH = mH


    end if


    p = the mouseLoc

    if inside(p, mySlideLeftRect) then

      proposedAmt =  myShift -1

      myShift = Max(-10, proposedAmt)


    else  if inside(p, mySlideRightRect) then

      proposedAmt =  myShift + 1

      myShift = Min(10, proposedAmt)



      -- slow down to a stop

      myShift = myShift * 0.75

      if abs(myShift) < 2 then myShift = 0

    end if


  end if


on mouseDown (me)

  ClickedTile = me.GetTileIDAtPoint(the mouseLoc - myOffset)

  if voidP(ClickedTile) then return 0

  myTrackingFlag = 1

  myShift= 0

  myStartH = the mouseH

  me.SelectTileByID(ClickedTile, (the shiftDown))

  sendAllSprites(#ImageSelected, ClickedTile)

First published 19/06/2005