Intersecting Lines
Tessting a function to test whether a line intersects with a quad.
-- returns a list of points where the specified line segment intersects
-- with the specified Quad
on mLineIntersectsQuad (me, p1, p2, aQuad)
resultList = []
repeat with side = 1 to 4
-- get the line segment
p3 = aQuad[side]
if side < 4 then p4 = aQuad[side+1]
else p4 =aQuad[1]
res = me._getPointofIntersection(p1,p2,p3,p4)
if res.ilk = #point then resultList.append( res )
end repeat
return resultList
on _getPointofIntersection (me, p1,p2,p3,p4)
denominator = (p4.locV-p3.locV)*(p2.locH-p1.loch) - (p4.locH-p3.locH)*(p2.locV-p1.locV)
if denominator = 0 then return 0 -- lines a parallel
num1 = (p4.locH-p3.locH)*(p1.locV-p3.locV) - (p4.locV-p3.locV)*(p1.locH-p3.locH)
num2 = (p2.locH-p1.locH)*(p1.locV-p3.locV) - (p2.locV-p1.locV)*(p1.locH-p3.locH)
Ua = num1/float(denominator)
Ub = num2/float(denominator)
if (Ua >= 0 AND Ua < 1) AND (Ub >= 0 AND Ub < 1) then
x = p1.locH + ua * (p2.locH - p1.locH)
y = p1.locV + ua * (p2.locV - p1.locV)
return point(x,y)
else return 0
For more handy intersection functions, see "XLIB":/Codelib/xlib
First published 17/01/2006